More Home-a-Phones!

  • “Home: a phone,” a homophone for homophone, is something a person very fond of their cell phone might be thinking. She or he might prefer that identification to “cell phone,” which could be confused with, “sell phone,” which you would never want to do if you thought of your phone as your home.
  • Tofu, a white block of fermented soybeans, would be much less exciting to watch than “toe-fu,” a form of Kung-fu performed with toes.
  • Which is stranger?
    1. Horse says, “ride me.”
    2. Horses ride me.
  • Fermilab, the US accelerator was so useful in breaking apart matter that one could say, “Fermi conquered mass.” But, For me, Concord, Mass is just a nice town.*
  1. An attempt to barter: “Forgetting the money, I’ll give you some honey.”
  2. An appreciative prostitute: “For getting the money, I’ll give you some, honey.”
  • A square dance move: Do-si-do. A reason not to leave your uncooked pastry out in the woods: Does eat dough. (That’s the female deer, not to be confused with its homograph, pronounced “duz.”)

Bonus**: Odd Sentences

Dew dues are due, dude, if you do do dues. (I don’t know what dew dues might be, but I prefer them to doo-doo dues.)

I edited it. (Say that one outloud 5x fast.)

I tried to tie-dye my Thai tie but the dye died when the tie-dye dried… and I cried. (I think that would make a good song.)

She’s so chi-chi with her sushi, see, she’s sure she shares Sue’s sheep’s shears.

* That pun was so painfully bad that I feel a need to apologize in writing.

** Not, “bone us”

Behind this daisy lies more word fun:

6 Responses to More Home-a-Phones!

  1. Samir Hafza says:

    I said “I edited it” 5 times and fast. I was in a restaurant. They asked me if the temperature was too cold inside. Judging from the demeanor of one of them, he probably wanted to ask, “Did you take your pill today?”
    Thanks a lot.


  2. l0oree says:

    I do writing mistakes by mistake freewriting my paper then decide to keep it miss spelled. In my last psychology discussion I went back and was going to edit. I had written scared instead of scarred. And decided to keep the double meaning. The paper was about sociopaths and they are very scary. Instead of the sentence saying scarred for life, it said scared for life.


    • l0oree says:

      Paper about abnormal psychology and ending with a humanistic approach to try to persaude a sociopath to change their view. Which I have practiced countless times from a baby in my mind replaying even in my sleep to accomplish this. I love my mom that much. I have come at her with every kind of communication known to man and animal to try to communicate.

      The worst conflict there is I believe in a persons mind is from a baby taught that killing is ok and that killers go to hell. Total chaos. Please change….



      • l0oree says:

        Anyways I want to say to her dust dost dust dust, then maybe she won’t be so afraid of dirt. Will she get that communication??????? not according to the text books sociopaths can not change…………… so saddddddddddddddddddddd.


  3. consider the question:

    Dost (meaning does one)
    dust ( the particles)
    dust ( *to* dust things off)
    dust? ( the particles)

    (as in Do dust particles dust off other dust particles?)

    and the answer:


    which together make a poem of two quatrains with omnipresent rhyme.


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